The unfortunate departure of District Attorney Greg Oakes

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To the editor:

I would like to thank Greg Oakes for his many years of service to the residents of Oswego County. This includes 12 years as district attorney and 10 years as an assistant district attorney.  Mr. Oakes’s professional experience, work ethic and integrity have been significant assets to our county. The voters of this county should ask why the Oswego County Republican Party would choose not to endorse another bid by Oakes for DA. It appears to signal an increasing and frightening move toward right-wing MAGA (Make America Great Again) extremism, which is based in misinformation, fear and racism.

Ken Sturtz’s article in the Feb. 10 edition of The Palladium-Times provides some rather unsettling insights as to why the Republican Party didn’t support an Oakes candidacy. For instance, James Macklen, the Republican chair from Boylston, said that Republicans were upset because Oakes had recused himself in the case of a former Republican legislator charged with endangering the welfare of a child. Oakes had appropriately turned the case over to the Onondaga County DA. Mr. Macklen said … “that many felt a legislator should not be prosecuted.”  Those who support equal justice should be alarmed that Macklen and other like-minded Republicans would condemn Oakes’s handling of this situation.

Mark Sherman, the Republican chair from Fulton, said … “that the Republican perception was that Oakes wasn’t doing enough to aggressively prosecute criminals.. …”  Maybe Sherman and Macklen could get together and let the DA’s office know who is on the “do not prosecute” list and who is on the “aggressively prosecute” list. Perception and fact are very different things. The accusation that Oakes is soft on crime is simply not reflected in statistics provided by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services or other similar agencies.

I think Greg Oakes said it best himself and it merits repeating here. Oakes said … “his office has drawn distinctions between violent criminals … and defendants who suffer from mental health or substance use issues. We have sought tougher penalties for repeat offenders while offering treatment to those who need and deserve it.”

Is the Republican leadership in Oswego County responsible for Oakes’s decision to walk away at the height of his career?

I would like to commend Greg Oakes for serving with intelligence, compassion and integrity. He has remained true to his oath and performed his duties without fear or favor. If you think these are important qualities for an elected official to possess, please speak out. The political environment in Oswego County is deteriorating at an alarming rate. Is there a Republican leader somewhere in this county that has the courage to point out the importance of having a district attorney like Greg Oakes? You might want to educate yourself about the candidate the Republicans are likely to endorse.

-Patty Familo